hahahaaa...its been a while since I last blogged and normally I have all these witty and insightful things to share...ahahahaa..=P but today I'm just going to blog random thoughts that come across my mind.
Christmas is almost here! I absolutely Love this time of the year... when people are cheery and giving and when families get together to celebrate the Holiday...ahhh I feel warm and toasty inside as I think about the Holiday. I started thinking about Christmas earlier cus when I see my patients I wish them a Happy Holiday since I won't see most of them for 6 months. =D So naturally right after Thanksgiving, I started to wish people a Merry Christmas...HoHoHo!!
9 more days til Christmas....EEEEE...

So anyways...work is going okay. To be honest we have some issues at times and I see how gossip and stuff can begin at work, but we are making the most of our working environment and Im thankful for my workplace. Above is a picture of my co-workers and I at a restaurant called Spaghetti Warehouse in downtown Austin. Whenever we have a birthday, we work through lunch, get off a couple hours early and the birthday person picks a place that they want to eat and celebrate. To be quite honest, the place was a bit chilly and the food was alright...nothing to rave about...-.-
And then theres this lovely picture below of me with beautiful flowers!! =D
And I'm guessing most of you may be wondering where they came from right? Ahhh...well they are from ME! =D I bought them for myself cus I thought they were beautiful...yap yap! Ha shameless...ahahaha and when Mich's co-worker came over and saw it...she sent our apartment flowers the following day with a note saying something along the lines of...every women deserves beautiful flowers...puahahahaha...
So yes, other than that...the two things that have been on my mind these past couple of months are life and death.
It's crazy to read the news and interact with so many different people on a daily basis. It really opens my eyes to see that life is freaking crazy as I hear about cancer, other types of illnesses, and other accidents that occur in a moments notice and BAM! that person is gone. Life is freaking short and I just never know...death... hmmm a strong word that carries much. Life is short and death is inevitable.
I have been thinking about my life lately... And I have been questioning my own life and how I am living it out each day radically for God. Hahaahaa I met up with Pastor Ben the other day. What a wise Pastor I may say... =D I have been asking this question to many, but I never gotten an answer that I was fully satisfied with until I asked him.
Question: What does it mean to live a life that is radical?
Answer: To live for God each day and to put him first and before everything else...
There is so much in life that is out there to do, to experience, to see, to know. And so~o many of my own plans that I really really really...ahahaha...REALLY want to experience. But the question that I continue to stumble across is. How much do I really love God? More than my future? More than my dreams? My desires? My hopes? Am I willing to take that step of faith each moment, each day, each year and surrender and live a life that is radical. Because I know that life here on earth is temporary and despite my own desires, its the choices I make here on earth that will account for the life after death...
Freakin Pastor Seth was right when he said it only gets harder when we get older. Now that I am turing 26 next year, it's getting harder...not gonna lie...=D
But anyways...this entry is probably the most random and open ended I have yet submitted...ahahaha And I'm going to leave it at this.
I have to wake up and be at work by 645am everyday this week until the 23rd of Dec because we work through lunch and get off earlier to avoid the Christmas traffic.
So~o TTYL Peoples! Im going to sleep! =D