Something about that old, committed love just tickles me pink. Puhahahaha... =D
I enjoy this sight because I imagine that the couple has gone through the thick and thin together, and yet they are still going strong with each other by their sides. I guess the holding hands to me not only shows a sign of affection, but also a sign that they are still holding on TOGETHER.
Eheheheee...but anyhow, the reason why I am blogging about this is because yesterday I had a couple come in that was in their 70's. First I saw the husband, because he loves going first and then the wife. They were so upbeat, talkative, and open about sharing stories of their lives with me.
The man was still a fighter who loved to golf...ahaha and he said he loved it when he went on the course with his older buddy and played against younger boys and showed them the skills that they have learned over the years by beating them. Ahahaha he threw out scores like 6-0, 6-1...ahahahhaa and even though I had no clue what those numbers meant...I knew it meant he was playing well, so I just nodded. Ahahahahaaa.
But then I saw the wife and she was lovely. She told me about her life and how they have been married for 52 years. Crazy!?!?!! They travel a lot still and they are very active and healthy.
So, at the end of the appointment, I took her out to meet her husband and he was no longer in the waiting room.
We waited a couple of minutes and as soon as he came in, they started flirting/joking together.
She said, "I thought you left me here at the dental office and I was going to have to find another way home."
He said, "No no, hunnie, I was right next door, trying to find some shoes for you." As he said this, he winked at me because I was watching the both of them.
She replied, "Sure you were sweetie, right next door at Toys R Us =)."
Aahahhahahaa cus you see we have Toys R Us right next door to us and they have been coming to the dental office for so long that they both knew that.
Ehehehee...get it?!!? So anyhow, it was soo cute to not just see a couple holding hands as the strolled down the street, but to actually meet one that is still together after many many years, who are healthy and still able to "flirt" with one another.
Awwwww, doesn't it just tickle you pink!! =D
Ahahahahaa...okay time to go and start my day with various ERRANDS (diana=) to run...ehehehe...
yes, i love seeing elderly still in love like that. i used to be so embarrassed when i saw my parents hold hands in public (ie, mall, movie theatre, in the car!) when i was a teenager but now, i really am so happy when i see that. shows me that they're still in love with one another.
reminds me of the song in the movie "wedding singer". . . something like, "i want to grow old with you."
ahhhhhhhhhh that will be you and john!!! =D yes yes you are sap too! =D
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