Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Academy Is...

Last Thursday, I took part in one of most unforgettable experiences of my life!!

Above is a picture of me with my friend Melina. She is an exchange student from Spain that I met on the UT campus a little while back. While I was getting to know her, she told me about this band and how she bought tickets for herself and she didnt know anyone who was going with her, so I decided to go.

This band plays alternative/rock music and I had no idea what to expect because I have never gone to a concert before.

So anyhow, to make a LONG LONG LON~nNNgG 7 hours short. I went to a concert and I stood in the 2nd-3rd row during the WHOLE concert. Now this is alternative music, so if you stand in the front row you get caught in a mosh pit. Do you know what that is?

Well, I have heard about it here and there throughout my life, but I had no idea that that was what I was about to experience. So for FOUR WHOLE Hours, I was being bumped, rubbed, elbowed, jumped on...and by the end of the night I was bruised, covered with my own sweat and the sweat of others, and tired from standing and trying to keep from being trampled on.

And no, this is not an exaggeration...above is a picture of me after 3 hours and unfortunately this picture does not fully capture the closeness of the people or my FULL JOY of being in that MOSH PIT! yes, this is what I recently took part in and the picture that I took was after 3 hours of being in a mosh pit and right before the last band came on to play.

Ahahahaa...right before the last band came on, I was seriously contemplating whether or not I should watch or listen from outside because I knew that I hadn't yet fully experienced the worst of the pushing, squeezing, sweating, screaming, and jumping...but then... tah dah!!....

Ahahahaa...this cute asian guy came out. =) He was HOT! =D Ahahahahaa...he was either the sound guy or the roadie. But either way...he brought 5 minutes of joy during those 4 hours of discomfort. =D So I decided to take a picture of him as he was testing the drums.


But yes yes...last Thursday, I had one of the longest, more memorable days since I have arrived in Austin, so I wanted to share this memorable experience with you guys. I saw Hey Monday, Something?? Liars, We Three Kings, and the Academy Is.

From the funny, the hard times, to even my fickle moment with the guy that I thought was really cute!! Ahahahahaa....

Enjoy!! =D


kyoungs said...

too cute. =) hope your bruises are all better.

Diana Jhin said...

hahahh woooo!
next time you should get picked up and have the mosh pit carry you. hahah
actually don't do that. i heard that could get dangerous =P

Irene said...

Next time, Jenny, you should get a better picture of the cute asian guy...


Unknown said...

jennnyyyy ... you are quite the blogger. i wish i would have read these sooner! i can't imagine YOU in a mosh pit! puhahhaha. your expression in that picture is AWESOME! i wish i had been there with you.

Ruth Lin Nakai said...

hahaha ohhh dear. you and your cute boys... just can't get enough of them, eh?? ;p