Tuesday, March 31, 2009


OMG...hello blog! =D

Its been about 3 months since my last post and dang I do not know where all the time goes. Ahahaha if anyone even remembers that I have a blog...

I think I will take away from my blogging that Id definitely rather sit and talk with people about the various going ons in my life then write about it!! =D

So yes yes, lately I have been challenged by God to learn again and again to trust in all of His ways, for he truly does want whats best in my life. A couple of months ago, I experienced for the first time EVER in my life to fully surrender. I mean FULLY. I had this amazing peace in my heart that not matter what, where, or when, I will be okay as long as I love the Lord.

Ahahahaa...its quite funny to me at times when I see the fickleness of my own heart. Because of course that peace is still in my heart...but I definitely experience moments of doubt because of the various areas of uncertainty in my life. But one thing that I am thankful for at the time, is that I know God is growing me. Because in the past when I did go through hardships or uncertainty, I really questioned what God was doing. 

But now I see that God really does love me. He loves me enough to challenge me in my weaknesses...it hasnt been easy and to be quite honest this is just the beginning so who knows what I will go through in the future...with future grips or doubts...etc...

But for now...

Philippians 4:7
"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

1 comment:

kyoungs said...

so good to hear how you're doing!
what you're learning is definitely a life-long process. i'm still learning that. =)