Friday, August 12, 2011


It's been 7 years since I lived in Washington state and after visiting twice a year for the past 7 years, I felt that same, old, "visitor" feeling when I arrived back at "home" on July 30th.

The first week everything was surreal for me. I knew in my mind that I moved back to Washington and this wasn't just a visit, but because I'm a creature of habit and I had been moving from apt to apt every year for the past 7 years, and I have been traveling to Washington twice a year for the past 7 years, I couldn't shake this feeling in my heart that THIS was just another visit.

It wasn't until a couple of days ago that it hit me that I had MOVED here. 

This isn't just a visit... this is for good.

I know it'll take much time to transition into a new location, but with everything being so new I've been longing more for what I know to be comfortable. I KNOW I'm a creature of comfort. Don't get me wrong, my friends can vouch for me in saying that I LOVE adventures and new experiences, but I also enjoy the familiar especially when it comes to people/friends/community/family. I love the comfort of really knowing a person and them knowing me, so the fact that I have to begin anew with this area in my life affects me the most.

Sadly, as I read back on this post, I see that I'm not that excited to be back in this state, but as one friend once said to me after a traumatic car accident. I'm resilient... and yes I am... but sometimes, it's just nice to lean, depend, and not have to be so resilient. And unfortunately, because I'm an adult and have much to take care of, that time is NOT now. Boo~ LOL!

Inception- according to, its a noun and means beginning, start, and commencement. 

And that's exactly what this chapter in my life is. It's a commencement for all that I have gone through in my past and as I move forward, may I apply all that I have learned to the beginning of new experiences and the start of my new life.

So I guess to be optimistic its Cheers to Inceptions!