Friday, December 30, 2011

Showers and Gummies.

Did u know that I love being in the water? Therefore, I love taking showers, swimming, being near bodies of water...

Growing up in Cali with a swimming pool, ice cream, and late night Korean BBQs after swimming are some of the fondest as well as the majority of my memories during my childhood years from 6 months to about 7 yo (=.

So yes... I LOVE the water.

So on that note, one quirky thing that I bet no one knows about that I LOVE doing is showering for a long time with a mouth full of gummies. Bahahahaha~ and it can't be any type of sweet item, it has to be a type of gummy.

Lately, so much is on my mind and I feel like I'm taking life too seriously, so I wanted to blog about something random cus I did it today. Christmas colored Swedish fish = P.


Tuesday, December 27, 2011


This morning I planned to wake up to work out... but ahahaha~ that hasn't been going so well these days, cus I guess I'm just not motivated. =P And after eating 2 slices of pizza, an orange, and a kit-kat bar... muahahaha... I decided to call the tire company to see what was going on with my flat tire needing to be ordered.

Unfortunately, the tire has been discontinued, so I'll need to order 4 new tires when only one is flat (LOL... seriously cars are my enemy this year!) BUT on the flip side, because the others are only 1 year old, Goodyear has decided to give me $100 credit to the other three tires and 80% credit towards the new flat. Matthew (the guy I met yesterday to discuss my options) was super nice in searching for me and getting a shipment in today, so that I can be on my way out of the place by tonight with 4 new tires because I will only get credit if its a Goodyear tire and they don't have any in stock at their place right now. Seriously... people can be so helpful... and I think I run into a good number of people who really care. =)

But yeah... then I started to read and catch up on news letters, emails from people, etc...  and was getting super excited reading about all the amazing ways in which the sisters I know are sharing the love of Christ around the world AND then I got onto FB and saw a post from an old friend sharing about a guy my age who took his life on Christmas day. This Korean guy that I knew in church many years ago (not too well, but I still knew him), he took his own life. Why? How? WAE?

TEARSSSSSSS~ TEARRSSS~ TEAARRRSSS~ the reality of sadness, depression, loss of hope...

"People can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air... but only for one second without hope."

People dying around me due to unforeseen circumstances, people getting sick from different illnesses has become real to me in the past years, but now the reality of people I know taking their own lives, having depression, feeling hopeless is becoming even more real. :(

This morning, I think I went through at least 8 different emotions... wow~ and all of these things bring me back to LIFE.

How precious life is, how we have only ONE, and we only need one when we find and really live out our purpose for the glory of God. But what does that purpose look like for me/us individually?


Sunday, December 25, 2011

External Processor

Okay, so today was Christmas and it was a good day. I had to depend on my new bible study group and be vulnerable and dependent on getting a ride in the morning (and boy was it hard... LOL... cus although I click with them and will be there for them... it takes more time and trust for me to be OPEN and let myself depend on others with the chance of being hurt and/or disappointed in them).

So yes... after that, I got to Seattle to pass out food/gifts/clothing, but ended up helping a dentist do exams. I only gave him the mirror, passed out the goodies (toothpaste, toothbrush, mouth rinse), but it felt SO good to interact with the dentist/patients and talk about dental stuff again. LOL~ I love my profession and I can't wait to get back into work.

Lastly, in the midst of interacting with the homeless (seeing joyful people, grumpy people, some who were drunk, people who were hurting), I began to think. To think about the need in the world, think about the news and the bombings in Africa and how people died on Christmas day, about how important family/good friends are who will REALLY be there for you not just with words, but actions to back them up, to think about being loved and how that looks, God and his ways, purpose in life, other "situations" that I'm learning and thinking through, people and their behavior...

And then... I just wanted to talk. LOL~ I was sitting at home, trying to process it and I just wanted to talk it out with a close friend. Someone I trust who will be there for me and genuinely care to listen. And after I did, I felt better. The situation didn't change, the problems/thoughts still exist, but just talking about them out loud made it better.

I know there are different seasons for different things and right now and maybe always, I'll be an external processor... ( =.

Thanks Friend! You're Great! Seriously!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

christmas, new years, and what's to come.

Man... it's only 5 days til Christmas and I haven't even gone shopping yet. I'm not sure if it's cus I don't have a job #nomoneytospend, or I'm just not in the Holiday spirit. Beats me... but yes yes... I decided to blog this evening because I've been chatting with a few people to plan events and sending out emails, getting things organized, thinking about the week, reading different articles, and then I pause and think about how I'm at home lounging around and this is such a different season in my life. I canNOT remember doing this in the past 7.5 years of ALWAYS being on the go. Always having a jam packed schedule from early in the morning til late at night and feeling so exhausted.

It's such a different season in my life... and I'm loving it. But working would be nice too...

Anywho... as I'm reflecting upon next year 2012 (cus its only 11 days away), there are so many amazing events coming up:
1. Jan is the month for our churches first retreat for the members (I'm becoming more involved and I'm so thankful that God has brought me to this church).
2. Feb has my dearest Ruthy's bridal shower/bachelorette party... w00t w00t!
3. April 1st is her big wedding day! Yaya!
4. I hope to fly out to Austin in May for their graduation.
5. I'll finally have a car again.  

And amazing things that may come up:
1. Flying out to NY for a visit once and for all!
2. Getting a position as a hygienist
3. OoooooOOoOoo~ and maybe I'll be dating? muahahahaha~

But yes, life is good and I'm really thankful for this season that I am in and excited to see all that God has in store for 2012... I have a feeling it's going to be an interesting one.
