Tuesday, December 27, 2011


This morning I planned to wake up to work out... but ahahaha~ that hasn't been going so well these days, cus I guess I'm just not motivated. =P And after eating 2 slices of pizza, an orange, and a kit-kat bar... muahahaha... I decided to call the tire company to see what was going on with my flat tire needing to be ordered.

Unfortunately, the tire has been discontinued, so I'll need to order 4 new tires when only one is flat (LOL... seriously cars are my enemy this year!) BUT on the flip side, because the others are only 1 year old, Goodyear has decided to give me $100 credit to the other three tires and 80% credit towards the new flat. Matthew (the guy I met yesterday to discuss my options) was super nice in searching for me and getting a shipment in today, so that I can be on my way out of the place by tonight with 4 new tires because I will only get credit if its a Goodyear tire and they don't have any in stock at their place right now. Seriously... people can be so helpful... and I think I run into a good number of people who really care. =)

But yeah... then I started to read and catch up on news letters, emails from people, etc...  and was getting super excited reading about all the amazing ways in which the sisters I know are sharing the love of Christ around the world AND then I got onto FB and saw a post from an old friend sharing about a guy my age who took his life on Christmas day. This Korean guy that I knew in church many years ago (not too well, but I still knew him), he took his own life. Why? How? WAE?

TEARSSSSSSS~ TEARRSSS~ TEAARRRSSS~ the reality of sadness, depression, loss of hope...

"People can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air... but only for one second without hope."

People dying around me due to unforeseen circumstances, people getting sick from different illnesses has become real to me in the past years, but now the reality of people I know taking their own lives, having depression, feeling hopeless is becoming even more real. :(

This morning, I think I went through at least 8 different emotions... wow~ and all of these things bring me back to LIFE.

How precious life is, how we have only ONE, and we only need one when we find and really live out our purpose for the glory of God. But what does that purpose look like for me/us individually?


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