I had an amazing quiet time today. It has honestly been so dry since I came to Austin, but today I was able to really sit in his presence. I was listening to music the whole time that I was praying and at the every end while I was closing out, this song came on.
:::Can I Stay Here Forever by Starfield:::
Through forgotten convictions
Misplaced affections
I'm losing the sound of your voice
I've been chasing after emptiness
Trying to tidy up this mess
I swear I've been down this road before
I want to get back to where it all began
When I would long for only you
Like a child I'll take You at Your word
As these mountains of doubt they fade away
I'm longing to love and trust You more
It was a good song for me to close out my qt's with and once again I was reminded that God brought me to Austin and He will provide...

...To make a long story shorter...
Above is a picture that was taken in April of 2007 with the Dean of the dental school, the director of the U of M hygiene program, and my hygiene class of 07' (can you find me?=). After graduating last year, I couldn't find a hygiene job in AA, because the state is saturated with dental professionals, so for the majority of my work, I ended up working at Sadako (the Japanese restaurant) to keep myself financial okay.
Well, since I came to Austin, Tx, I have already been offered 6 interviews. This is Crazy considering I have only been here for 15 days.
I had 2 of my interviews last Thursday the 29th of May and I already heard back from one of the offices saying that they are going to go ahead and try a different hygienist and...ahahaa out of courtesy they asked if they could keep my resume on file =). Ahahahahahaa!!
Anyhow, to be honest, I wasn't disappointed that I didn't the position. It was only 2 days a week and even though they were the ones interviewing me, I was also interviewing the office, and for various reasons it wasn't a office that I could see myself working at long-term.
So, IF you were paying attention, I said that I had TWO interviews that day =P. Well, I ended up getting a 2nd interview with the other office this past Monday. Honestly, I would love to work there. I really took a liking to the doctor, the employees are really nice, it is a full-time position with benefits, and the office's chairside manner is similar to what I learned at the U of M.
The office has narrowed the interviewees to 2 people...Me and One other hygienist. I had my 2nd interview this past Monday and the other hygienist had hers today =). Im not gonna lie, I really want the position...
So yes yes...I am waiting to hear back. There are 3 things that can occur when I hear back from the office:
1. They decide to hire me and I work!! =D
2. They decide to hire the other hygienist and I will have to go on my other interviews for this coming Friday and next Wednesday and continue looking for a position.
3. They still cant decide and I will have to go in for a half day of work, along with the other hygienist (this is called a working interview), and they will decide from there.
All in all, through this experience I am learning to just trust in God. He is in control and even though yes I would love to just finish the process of searching and interviewing, God knows best and He will open up a door to the perfect dental office. Whether that be this one or another. Ill keep you guys updated on what happens and no matter what...
God is good and I have to trust and know that I just need to put my best forth and God will take care of the rest. Wow how reassuring eh?! Ahahahahaha...
Thank you for your prayers!! =D
1 comment:
will be praying for you, jenny!!!!!!!
He will grant you the perfect job. =)
and eventually, the perfect man for you. (comment for the latest blog)
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