On Sunday the 8th of June, we went to visit a church called Celebration Church. They had an amazing service with an amazing welcoming team (or at least that was what we experienced with a welcomer named Keith). Afterwards, we went to eat at a Japanese restaurant, that was eh... okay. =) Ben, got the Beef Don and stated, "it's not as good as Saica."
This was the last meal with just PB and the U-Soulers, before he left the following day to fly back to AA and pick up Rachel and his family.
Take1: A regular pose.

Thursday, the 12th of June 2008.
After a day of breaking fast together with cali rolls and yakisoba, walking around campus and talking with students, playing 2 games of Texas Hold 'Em, this is how we wanted to end the last night with just the u-soulers (matt flew into AA the following day for Rebecca and Jon's wedding...ahhhhh).
Take 2.
With 10 seconds before the picture, Ben decides to UNLEASH and be his crazy self. So, he falls onto Matt squishing him and Matt still trys to look at the camera and smile. I try my best to retain a cute smile with my hands doing something weird (I have no idea what type of pose that is)...puahahahaa and I kick my leg up, so that the boys don't fall onto the space that Michelle and I are occupying. And Michelle is on the side looking like a bird who is squawking about the crazyness that Ben just started!?!
Take 3.
Michelle thought of the movie Kung Fu Panda, and it's one that PB really wants to watch. So, we decided to take a picture like the animals...puahahahahahaa!! =D
Ben Lee: Crane
Matt Jorgensen: Mantis
Jenny Vick: Tiger
Michelle Lee: Monkey
1 comment:
Aahh Jenny, I see that you are not in aa anymore. I remember that my brother told me some time back that you were moving to texas. I am sure everyone misses you a bunch in aa. but you have this site now so we can keep up with your life!! =)
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