Saturday, November 12, 2011

The 4 C's

Christian, Character, Conflict-resolution, Chemistry.

I may as well add to the C's and say that my transition to WA has been CRAZY! lol.
Yes I'm corny = D.

But yes, as I have been transitioning into this new location, I've been thinking and praying about so many different things in my life. And at this point because its only been about one month since I arrived back from my last trip to Cali, things are slowly settling down, but nothing is concrete.

I haven't found a job, still no car, still no community, no apt up north, car accident situation is still messy, my neck is still healing, no man (lol, have to say this cus of all the pressure around me : ), still searching for my future direction. But for sure slowly, doors are beginning to open in all of these areas and I'm thankful for this season in my life.

I say I'm thankful because I am most of the time, but of course transitions in general take time (I have a good friend to remind me of this when I get anxious and impatient).

So~ the 4C's. I'm at the age where my moms friends/relatives ask why I'm not dating, how people tell me that I NEED to get married, where conversations in general lead to dating questions. And I'm also realizing as a single, female, that I'm not in high school where I can be buddy, buddy with a guy, but that sometimes, there's MORE.

It's an interesting stage of life for me and yeah... I'm wrestling with the 4 C's. When I talk to some Christians they are open to dating people who are open to the faith, but who aren't in a relationship with God YET and others who are not open at all; does the person have good character, are they trustworthy, do they say what they mean, are they mature enough to handle a relationship where it isn't always butterflies; can the two communicate well especially during conflicts because people communicate differently; and then of course do the two have good chemistry.

Chemistry... i actually tried reading articles about this because it fascinates me... what makes two people have chemistry? is it their pheromones? is it their humor? is it their values? looks? Some people naturally have good chemistry... but why? : D

I still believe more than anything else, that relationships are amazing, but that in the end commitment is true love and it's what keeps a relationship going. Commitment to love the other person, serve them, cherish them, be selfless, work through the tough times... cus they will come = ).

I heard this quote the other week: I'm not saying it'll be perfect... I'm saying you're the person I want to spend the rest of my life WITH! AWESOME no?!? ( =


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