Saturday, November 19, 2011

Growing ↑

I would say that I've never disliked getting older. Every stage of life has something exciting and new to experience and getting older has sooooOOOo many perks. It's also inevitable, so what can u do but enjoy right? Or maybe I say this now cus I haven't hit 60? :p

I dunno~

But yes, with the recent events that have occurred, I've realized three things:

1. I've been experiencing a lot of 1st timers lately and been reminded more and more that life still has so many more first time experiences that are to come. Of course I know some like getting married, having kiddos, aging in general... ahahaha, but many more that I cannot necessarily expect or try and plan out. 

2. I've always been a feeler. I go by what I feel, what my heart tells me is RIghT? : p but lately as I have been trying to make some decisions, I haven't been able to make them just on my feelings... O_ o Otherwise my life would currently look a little different. I have to think about them, how it may possibly play out, the repercussions of my actions, what I believe God is wanting me to do, how other people may feel, etc. And man oh man... with some of these choices... It's been and still is a BATTLE... battle within... You have NO IDEA... gerrrrrrr~

3. For the first time... I'm like... man... I liked being that kid that didn't have to think so much... ahahaha... the jenny that just went with her heart... *sigh.
*on a side note... lol... because I'm late  bloomer with some things... I think I used to live like this until more recently... ahahahahahahahahhahaaaaaaaaaa~

Just my recent thoughts.

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