Sunday, June 22, 2008

But seek first...

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well"

Ahaha I started this entry about one week ago with this verse and I am finally going to blog about it. Wow, during these past 2 weeks, I got a job a a dental office, I went to Philly for the AMI conference, we have been doing little outreaches to get to know the few people that we have met, and all in all God has used all these moments to teach me to just seek him first. 

Life is so funny when I think about it. Life here on earth is temporary and all the materials and prestige that we strive to live for are exactly that. TEMPORARY! These things last and are used for only a period of time. But why is it that I continue to get caught up in a cycle of striving to achieve and receive the very things that will only satisfy for so long. 

Ahahahaa. Lately, Im just taken aback by the fact that God is gracious, his love is unconditional, and he knows the depths of my heart so well that he will provide accordingly.

Even when I got this job at the dental office. Ahahaha, it was seriously only given to me when I was at the point of ultimate surrender and dependence. God works in His mysterious ways and even though I dont understand during the process, it is so clear in the end of why things work out the way they do.

I worked my first day today and the doctor is so amazingly nice! He is starting me off slowly with the patients, so I only saw 7 today and as the weeks pick up I will see more patients. If the other 2 positions had opened up, then I wouldn't be where I am today, so praise God for closing the wrong doors before opening the right one.

Oh yeah and today I read the book of Ruth. Ahahaha, I want to be as devoted and loving to this church plant as Ruth was to Naomi. She is one women, who knew what would honor her mother-in-law and God blessed her life because of it.

God is Always gooD!


Susie said...
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Susie said...

Jenny I miss you! I started my own blog tooo. The name thingy is: sujeee. I don't know what I'm gonna write in it though. probs nothing too serious or deep. but yah....God is sooo goood. I love God lots.

kyoungs said...

congrats on your job!
hope you're enjoying it!